
This all-female, all-housewife, all-star barbershop quintet hail from Melbourne suburb Toorak, and while the leafy region is better known for old money than independent music, Superbia are changing perceptions. Superbia formed after meeting in various daytime craft groups in the eastern suburbs – with busy CEO husbands, and children absorbed by exclusive private schools, these mature strong-minded women decided to combine their Master's Degrees and abundant spare time with a common love of song.

This melody driven music tells the candid stories of the champagne life, a rich tapestry of, rich tapestries, unrestrained spending, unfounded slander, and a seedy underbelly of sordid affairs and debauchery.


Anonymous said...

do you reckon these chicks would put out?

Anonymous said...

I'd full bone one. Forreal.

Anonymous said...

Check out the hot chick on this Carter Creative Design Studio Website!

Anonymous said...

Lolz. Top Katz got spammed.